現年36歲的「神奇女俠」Gal Gadot 以完美178cm身高比例的身材、健康性感的魅力成受歡迎的女英雄演員之一。DC女神Gal Gadot外表身材出眾傲人,18歲那年還代表以色列參加環球小姐選美爭取頭銜,19歲後成為國家隊軍人為國家服役兩年,2008年跟地產富商Jaron Varsano結婚,12年來一直恩愛非常,在剛剛的三月還宣布迎來第三個胎。戲裡戲外都是神奇女俠的她人生多姿多采,她不但展現出女性的獨立,還有著代表堅持努力的精神。現在看看當中有關Gal Gadot的人生語錄~
#1 「我想展現出女性是充滿力量堅強,女性不必被男英雄拯救。她們能運用自己的智慧和力量拯救自己。」
“I wanted to show that women are empowered and strong, and don’t have to be saved by some male hero, but they can take care of themselves using their intelligence and their power.”
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#2 「簡單小事也能讓我們感到快樂。」
“The simple things are the ones that make us the happiest.”

#3 「我之所以成為現在的我,是因為過去女性的前輩奠立基礎。」
“I realise I’m doing what I want to do because of the women before me who laid the groundwork. Without them I wouldn’t be an educated working mother who is following her dreams; I wouldn’t be here.”

#4 「我是個真誠的人,我永不會宣傳自己不認同的事物。」
“I’m a genuine person – I will never promote something I don’t believe in.”

#5 「堅持努力,永不放棄。」
“Be persistent and never give up.”

#6 「神奇女俠也是是個普通的女人,她有很高的價值標準,但還是女人。她可以是敏感的,是聰明、獨立、情緒化的。她會感到困惑,也會失去信心、重拾信心,她擁有人性。」
“Diana can still be a normal woman, one with very high values, but still a woman. She can be sensitive. She is smart and independent and emotional. She can be confused. She can lose her confidence. She can have confidence. She is everything. She has a human heart.”

#7 「女性能表現出自己的感覺是很棒的一件事。我欣賞這樣的女性。女性為了呈現強悍的一面,而隱藏自己的情緒是不對的。讓我們接受自我的樣子,把它視為優勢。」
“I think women are amazing for being able to show what they feel. I admire women who do. I think it’s a mistake when women cover their emotions to look tough. I say let’s own who we are and use it as a strength.”

#8 「愛、慷慨和慈愛,我們比過去更需要這些。」
“Love and generosity and affection. We need all those things more than ever today.”

#9 「 我代表的是現今新世界的『神奇女俠』。」
“I represent the ‘Wonder Woman’ of the new world.”

#10 「我經常告訴自己,為我的女兒樹立好榜樣是非常、非常重要的。」
“I always tell myself that it is very, very important for me to be a good role model for Alma, my daughter.”

Text by : GirlsMood
Photos from : Pinterest/Shutterstock