“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.”

“ Self care is not selfish”

“Be who you are. Not the world wants you to be.”

“Surround yourself with people who get it.”

“Be the reason someone smiles today”

“Your life isn’t yours if you constantly care what others think.”

“Don’t let other people decide who you are”

“Confidence is not they will like me, Confidence is I’ll be fine if they don’t.”

“Stay Strong. Believe in yourself. Never give up.”

“Think about all that you are, instead of what you are not”

“You can’t please everyone, so do it for yourself”

“Appreciate yourself. then others will”

“Believe in yourself”

“Bloom with grace”

“Give yourself time to grow, self-acceptance is a process”

“Be kind to yourself on the journey, you are still becoming”

“I hope you fall deeply in love with your life and yourself.”

Text by GirlsMood