Lady Gaga主演的《星夢情深》(A Star Is Born)近日掀起熱話,正巧Netflix 也於 2017 年拍攝了 Lady Gaga 的紀錄片《女神卡卡:五呎二吋》(Lady GagaFive Foot Two),描述在水銀燈下耀目的巨星真實的一面,其實也跟我們普通人一樣面對生活的辛酸和痛楚。Lady Gaga22歲的首張專輯《The Fame》爆紅這十多年來,一直毫不修飾地向世界展現自我,鼓勵人們擁抱自己與生俱來的特質,卻一路迎來不少抨擊及中傷,自身也經歷不少傷痛。

photo from ladygaga@instagram
photo from internet

堅強的她一直堅持信念,咬緊牙關,才能成就今天的她。從她2008年出道那時,小編還是一位中學生,對她說不上喜歡,卻被她朗朗上口的歌曲薰陶,對早期的歌曲如《Love Game》、《Telephone 》、《Bad Romance》、《Poker Face》等都沒有仔細解讀,當時只覺的每個MV都超浮誇,而今天細看才領略到她從歌曲表達出對社會的不滿和訴說她自己的小故事。《星夢情深》(A Star Is Born)又不其然讓我想到Lady Gaga的一首歌《Born This Way》。

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  • I’m beautiful in my way


    ‘Cause God makes no mistakes


    I’m on the right track, baby


    I was born this way



    Lady Gaga從紐約的小酒吧到世界舞台,全世界都認為她打扮、行為都是個異類,但她了解自己是獨一無二的,她擁有最自由的靈魂。因此她在這首歌曲中嘲諷了世俗的膚淺,提示我們不要因為別人的觀感而放棄自己獨特的本性,成為我們心中的自己。以下是她的說過的12句話,也許能令迷惘的你堅持自己的信念。

    photo from ladygaga@instagram

    “We need fantasy to survive because reality is too difficult. ”


    photo from ladygaga@instagram

    “For being different, it’s easy. But to be unique, it’s a complicated thing.”


    photo from ladygaga@instagram

    “Sometimes in life you don’t always feel like a winner, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a winner. ”


    photo from ladygaga@instagram

    “You define beauty yourself, society doesn’t define your beauty. ”


    photo from internet

    “At the end of the day, you won’t be happy until you love yourself.”


    Photo from Jun Sato@WireImage

    “Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.”


    photo from GettyImages

    “Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are.”


    photo from internet

    “If you dont have any shadows you’re not in the light. ”


    photo from internet

    “If you’re laying in bed next to someone that really doesn’t make you feel like the goddess that you are, you need to rediscover what it is that you truly want and need.”


    photo from internet

    “You laugh at me because I’m different. I laugh at you because you are all the same. ”


    photo from internet

    “Don’t judge anyone but don’t trust anyone. ”


    photo from internet

    Born this way is about being yourself, and loving who you are and being proud.”



    Rejoice and love yourself today


    ’cause baby you were born this way



    Text by GirlsMood

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